Category Archives: Tech

K series guide/ K20/24 data

street race mostar 2023.

Taljanović Emir

Povratak na scenu

Prije nego što započnemo rezime, prvo želim da se zahvalim jednom velikom čovjeku i petrolhead-u koji je svojim finansijskim nesebičnim poklonom omogućio da @krex_sa vozi utrku nakon velike pauze. Također želim da se zahvalim svojoj supruzi Amili koja me uporno prati i živi moj “honda san”.

Iako desektovani, bez velikog dijela ekipe Heljko, Laki, Gogi, Toni, nismo propustili i ovaj event.

Nakon dvogodišnje pauze, napokon smo bili spremni da krenemo na put ka mostarskoj pisti, iako je krenuo kao takmićar Vedad Ocuz je i ovaj put pokazao zašto je jedan od najvažnijih članova kluba. Pored svog CRX-a na put je krenuo i sa svojom toyotom koju smo do krova napunili alatom i kako bi povukao prikolicu na koju smo natovarili CRX K20. Da bi bili sigurni da ćemo stići isprobati vozilo prije zvaničnog početka utrke ovoga puta smo vec u petak poslijepodne stigli na odredište sa ukupno četiri vozila, dva takmičarska i dva prateća. Ovim putem kao klub želimo da se zahvalimo organizatoru na savšenom eventu i vikendu.

Vedad Očuz

Ovaj put pametnije

Za razliku od predhodnih sezona CRX je ovaj put bio spreman na totalno drugačijim postavkama…Da ne bi opet došli u situaciju da tek na stazi uviđamo greške i da zbog istih ne budemo u mogućnosti da nastavimo takmičenje zato smo u proteklom periodu pauziranja mnogo analizirali propuste i uradjeno je mnogo prepravki koje su na kraju auto doveli do potpuno novog nivoa, od olakšavanja šasije, pogonske gume, novi sistem napajanja gorivom, novi nitro sistem, radovi na trakciji koje smo opisali u nekim od prijašnjih postova i još mnogo sitnih radova.

Testiranje i prvi problemi

Otkazivanje svijećica
Garaža Meše Đikića

Odmah po dolasku skidamo auto sa prikolice i počinjemo sa probama. Nakon što se auto zagrijalo na radnu temperaturu ravnamo se na semafor, ozračujemo nitro i krecemo sa dugo isčekivanim testom. Auto je krenulo brutalno, bez imalo problema sa trakcijom i bez ijedne neželjene vibracije vec smo “napunili” prvu brzinu i prbacujemo se na drugu koja takodjer izvrsno vuče i u treptaj oka eto nas na granici treće. Prebacivanjem u treću vidim savršenu priliku da isprobam i nitro da li ce mašina progutati taj cuveni “shoot” od 100 konja.. Na momenat sve odlično ali vrlo brzo auto počinje da tone i rad postaje nervnomjeran. Vraćamo se do prikolice tovarimo auto i nas dragi prijatelj stari mostarski trkač Mesa Đikic nam ustupa svoju garažu kako bi revidirali i riješili problem. Čim smo počeli sa pregledom odmah smo uvidjeli problem, svijećice koje su bile u motoru nisu ni po jednom parametru odgovarale namjeni i bile su potpuno istopljene. Moram napomenuti da čim su čuli da smo u problemu, prijatelji Anes Rasčić i Adis Tatarovac su iz Sarajeva krenuli put Mostara i došli su do nas kako bi nam pomogli. Pregledali smo sve ostalo na podvozju dostezali sta je bilo potrebno, provjerili sve. Nekom ludom srećom nismo imali niti jedan problem na mašini i nakon kupovine odgovarajućih svijećica mogli smo da krenemo ka smještaju Motel Kolo koji nas svaki put prelijepo ugosti i trpi vec duzi niz godina.

Prvi dan utrke

Nakon ugodnog sna i prelijepog doručka u motelu stižemo na stazu, gdje organizator već polako priprema stazu za prvi trening. Kako su smislili da se treninzi vrše po sistemu par-nepar brojeva gužve nije bilo i sve je teklo u najboljem redu, takmičari su samo pristizali. Tada se dogovaramo da vozimo na najsigurnijim mogućim postavkama i da taj vikend utrke iskoristimo kao finalni test vozila za nastavak sezone. Tako da smo malo žrtvovali grip pa nismo ispuhivali slikove na optimalan pritisak, nismo koristili nitro niti jedan run iako smo prepakovali manje dizne od 30 KS. Automobili su se ponašali odlično, već na prvom run-u smo vidjeli da auto vozi niskih 12 sekundi bez ikakvih “power adder’s-a” tako da smo nastavili da vozimo sa vremenom ET 12,101 TT 12,325, dok je Vedad Ocuz vozio niskiih 15 sekundi sa autom koje ima potpuni enterijer i kretanjem iz prve brzine na kojoj znatno gubi na 60-ft.

Budno oko Anesa Rasčića
Honda CRX n/a VS BMW Turbo

Drugi dan utrke

Emir Taljanovic

Nakon sto smo prezadovoljni završili prvi dan utrke, jos jednom odmorni i opušteni ponovo smo na stazi. Čuvena nedelja, nepregledan red takmičara koji čeka na svoju prijavu i broj, publika već u dobrom broju prisutna, sve je najavljivalo jos jedan odličan dan pun adrenalina. Auta su radila bezprijekorno, motor, mjenjač, trakcija sve je bilo na najvišem nivou, vremena auta se nisu mijenjala, ono sto je najvažnije nama je to da auta imaju konstantu i svaki run imaju minorna pobojšanja, jer nakon duge pauze i prepravki na redu je tzv. “uvozavanje” Čestitam svim kolegama takmičarima, ogranizatoru i hvala publici koja je bila prisutna, do slijedeće utrke, vozite pametno i vidimo se.

Ako nisi čuo Joška, nisi bio u Mostaru

Ne mogu da ne spomenem našeg velikog prijatelja Jozefa Ambruža i da mu se i na ovaj način zahvalim za video.

B series transmission guide

B-Series Transmission Guide

By: Chet Hewitt

B-series Transmissions

In response to recent questions about different transmissions I think its important to shed some light into the ones available for our b-series motors. There are many differences between B-series transmissions and I’ve never found an article describing the positives and negatives of each unit. Below, you’ll see transmission codes, the car it’s found in, and whether or not it has factory LSD. It’s important to realize that Honda didn’t make it easy for us to distinguish between transmissions. For example, almost all transmissions found in Integra’s are stamped S80. This includes the tall LS transmission and the ultra short JDM Type-R transmission. In some cases, the only way to determine which transmission you really have is to take it apart and count the number of teeth on the ring gear. Obviously, in most cases it’s not practical to take your transmission apart to determine which one you have. To be safe when acquiring a transmission, you should identify the seller; try to identify the car and or motor it came with.

B16A (Cable), B16A2 (Hydro), B16A3(Hydro):
S4C, S80, Y80, Y21, Y1 (optional LSD)

As most of you know the B16A was featured in Japan between the years of 1989 through 2001. This engine has had several different transmissions mated to it causing some potential confusion.

First, it’s important to realize that first generation B16A’s came with cable transmissions. The Y1 came with optional factory LSD and should have LSD stamped on the transmission. Determining whether or not a transmission has LSD is very simple, just look into the differential and see if its opened or closed. For those not familiar with this, you’ll either see a set of gears that form a closed cylinder, or you’ll see an open differential with a bar splitting the middle.

Typically these transmissions have had weak synchro’s in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th gears with 3rd gears crunching the most. Its also worth noting that all of the transmissions minus the Y1 have very weak open differentials making it essential that you upgrade if your putting a lot of power to the ground.

As far as gearing, these transmissions are all pretty short. Here is a listing of the gear ratios and final drive, courtesy of

1st: 3.230
2nd: 2.105
3rd: 1.458
4th: 1.107
5th: 0.848
Reverse: 3.000
Final Drive: 4.400

In conclusion, this transmission is good for all motor and should bring between 500-700 if its hydraulic while cable transmissions are worth between 400-600. Please be careful that the transmission you’re buying doesn’t have bad synchro’s because a lot of them have been beaten on and this is the first problem you’ll have. Plus, if you’re making a lot of power, 170 to the wheels, be prepared to replace your differential because these can be broken with regularity.

B16B (Hydraulic):

The transmission found in the Civic Type R is highly sought after and very rare. Its gear ratio’s are identical to that of the B16A’s but has a stronger limited slip and dual synchro’s in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th gears. Expect to pay between 1000-1200 for a genuine CTR transmission because they’re rare and well worth the price. Its also worth mentioning that these transmissions are Hydraulic type.

B17A1 (Cable):

This transmission is found on the rare “blacksheep” of b-series motors. The most important feature here is that its cable-type. This means you can bolt this into any 93 and older integra and 91 and older civic without having to change to hydraulic. The synchro’s on this transmission are still considered weak, however the gearing is very good for all motor applications as its identical to the B16A transmissions. Finally, this transmission did not have factory LSD, so keep that in mind when someone is trying to tell you otherwise. Look to pay between 400-600 dollars for this transmission, although its going to be difficult to find and usually when you do, there is something wrong with it.

B18A1 (Cable):

Again, you’ll see how Honda didn’t help us out any with the stamping on this transmission. These transmissions however, are much different in there gearing. This transmission has a longer first and second gear with slightly longer 3rd and 4th gears. The final drive is still 4.40:1 making this a possibility for all motor applications, but not your best choice. You’ll be able to find this transmission in 90-93 Integra’s and they’re all cable-type. The prices for these should range between 200-400 for clean, good working units. Paying anymore is pointless, as these transmissions are everywhere.

B18B1 (Hydro):

This is probably the easiest b-series transmission to find because it’s found in every non-VTEC 94-01 Integra. Most notably, this transmission is the longest of all b-series transmissions and has the weakest synchro’s and weakest differential. The final drive is 4.266:1 and each of the gears is longer compared to its B16A counterparts. For boost, a lot of people like the gearing of this transmission, plus gas mileage is great and they’re very cheap. Look to pay no more than 500 for a clean LS tranny because they’re everywhere.

Here is a look at the Specs.

1st: 3.230
2nd: 1.90
3rd: 1.269
4th: 0.966
5th: 0.714
Reverse: 3.000
Final Drive: 4.266:1

S80/Y80 (Optional LSD)

The transmission found in JDM GSR’s is very popular and overall an excellent transmission. For all motor and boost applicatiosn this transmission has excellent gearing and a stronger differential compared to its B16A and B18B counterparts. The transmissions with LSD should have “LSD” stamped on the casing and to make sure, inspect the differential and use the parameters I described before to identify whether or not the transmission really has LSD. Look to pay between 700-1200 for this transmission depending on whether its LSD equipped. Also worth mentioning, these transmissions are all hydraulic.

Here is a look at the specs:

1st: 3.230
2nd: 1.900
3rd: 1.360
4th: 1.034
5th: 0.787
Reverse: 3.000
Final Drive: 4.400


This transmission is found in all USDM GSR’s. Although LSD was not offered these transmissions are still highly sought after because of their stronger differentials and optimal gearing. For those not interested in ultra-short gearing this transmission provides the perfect balance between acceleration and top end. Look to pay around 700-1000 for these transmissions.

The specs are the same as above:

1st: 3.230
2nd: 1.900
3rd: 1.360
4th: 1.034
5th: 0.787
Reverse: 3.000
Final Drive: 4.400

S80 (Helical LSD)

This transmission is one of the best B-series transmissions Honda has offered in its vehicles. Every gear has dual synchro’s and the gearing is perfect for all motor applications. Plus, LSD is standard and will be stamped on the housing. Look to spend between 1200-1400 for these transmissions because of their quality, LSD, age and gear ratio’s. Finally, if there is some question about whether or not you’re S80 has 4.4 final drive or 4.7 final drive you can check the transmission housing. The code “4jhd” means 4.4 final drive was offered as original equipment, while “ne3” signifies 4.78 final drive.

The specs are below:

1st: 3.230
2nd: 2.105
3rd: 1.458
4th: 1.107
5th: 0.848
Reverse: 3.000
Final Drive: 4.400

B18C (JDM Type R):
S80 (Helical LSD)

JDM Type R transmissions are the best for all motor applications where acceleration is emphasized most. All 98 and up JDM Type R transmissions came with 4.785 final drive with the same 1st, 2nd, 3rd gears as the USDM Type R. To make highway driving more tolerable, the 4th and 5th gears are the same as GSR transmissions. Look to spend between 1400-1600 for these transmissions because of their final drive and rarity.

Here is a look at the specs:

1st: 3.230
2nd: 2.105
3rd: 1.458
4th: 1.034
5th: 0.787
Reverse: 3.000
Final Drive: 4.785

Sources: Cory Thompson,

Distributor Code list

Broj modela distributora Fabrički ugrađivan u model vozila:
TD01U Civic 88-91 (1.5L)
TD02U & TD18U Civic 88-91 Si (1.6L) & CRX 88-91 Si (1.6L)
TD22U Civic 88-91 JDM B16A (Japanese Spec.)
TD41U Civic 92-95 (1.5L)
TD42U Civic 92-95 Si (1.6L)
TD43U Civic ZC Engine (2nd GeTD80U Civic 96-98 (1.6L Non-VTEC)
TD63U & TD73U Civic 99-00 Si DOHC VTEC (1.6L)
TD31U & TD34U Accord 90-91
TD52U Accord 92-93
TD58U Accord 94-95 (2.2L)
TD76U Accord 96-97 (2.2L)
TD89U Accord & Prelude Type S DOHC VTEC H22A
TD77U Prelude 97-02 VTEC
TD59U Prelude 92-96 non-VTEC (2.2L)
TD60U Prelude 92-96 JDM VTEC (2.2L Internal Coil)
TD61U Prelude 92-96 VTEC (2.2L) & 92-96 non-VTEC (2.3L External Coil)
TD97U CRV 99 & up (2.0L)
Distributor Model Number Stock equpiment in:
TD03U Integra 88-89 (1st Gen. ZC) (1.6L)
TD23U & TD24U Integra 90-91 (1.8L)
TD44U & TD68U Integra GSR / 92-95 JDM B16A
TD55U Integra 92-93 (1.8L)
TD81U & TD84U Integra GSR 96-02 & JDM B18C
TD86U & TD87U Type R 96-02 & Civic SiR 99-02
TD85U Integra 96-98 (1.8L & CRV 96-98 (2.0L)

FreeValve sistem – Koenigsegg

🙂 N-fazni VTec


Christian von Koenigsegg je poznat po konstrukciji svjetskih super-automobila, ali je takođe veliko ime i u inovacijima pogonskih sklopova.


Osim što je osmislio hibridni pogonski sistem razvijen za Koenigsegg Regera-u koji omogućuje da radi bez mjenjača, on je također godinama radio na nečemu s potencijalom da bude mnogo više revolucionarno – motor bez bregaste osovine.


Izum nazvan „Freevalve“ to čini bez bregaste osovine i umjesto toga se oslanja na elektronski kontrolisane pneumatske aktuatore i opruge za pojedinačno otvaranje i zatvaranje svakog ventila.

Teoretski, to bi znatno povećalo snagu, okretni moment, i potrošnju goriva, što zvuči kao prilično dobar posao. Ali, koliko će biti potrebno da se izum bude spreman za proizvodnju,ostaje da se vidi.


Amk Racing Team